Old ramshackle ideas fluttering about an otherwise empty vessel, trying to avoid the cobwebs.

Wednesday, July 1, 2009

Savannah part 3

Brother Wesley has a spot of honor along the Upper lane of River Walk along Bay Street.

The old part of town is quite lovely in the evening lights.

Tinkering with my wide-angle lense, I catch the municipal building at dusk. I like the colors.

Savannah part 2

Someone was in a good mood, and posed.

Readers of The Harnation may recognize this shot. The couple is a little more experienced in the ways of the world than in the other version.

The historic homestead of Noble Jones is Wormsloe. Looking roughly South from near the abandoned Jones home site is this cedar tree, reaching out over the tidal marshes.
Click on the pictures for a larger more detailed view.
