Old ramshackle ideas fluttering about an otherwise empty vessel, trying to avoid the cobwebs.

Wednesday, August 5, 2009

The Last Batch

Here are the last photos from the trip that I will bore you with.

Matt almost succeeds in his disappearing act.

Ken tries to obtain optimum position on the tongue of water leading to the best spot to cross the bottom of the falls.

Ryan takes a few moments from his orange kayak to take the Torrent down the waterfall.

Amy and Daniel take the bumpy route and sail right through. Except for the


Daniel is all about celebrating the success, but Amy seems to be saying, "Hey, that wasn't supposed to happen!"

(as usual, click on the pictures for a bigger, better view.

Monday, August 3, 2009

I Love Camping

I love camping. Not as much as I like Kayaking and Canoeing, but I love it.

You wake up in the morning full of energy, having slept peacefully the night before in the quiet solitude and in the soft comfort of the sleeping-bag and the tender embrace of the ground.

And there are the gourmet treats of camping cuisine, delicious meals timely prepared with only a small set of modest utensils.

Sitting around the cozy campfire provides an opportunity to hear stories from uncles that would otherwise be lost, like the one "Scooter Johnson, Rush Chairman, glad to meet you...."

Young couples have the opportunity for an intimate togetherness reinforced by the close quarters, not to mention the opportunity for the odd basketball game inside the modest tent.

Then, there is all the camping apparel, and the almost limitless opportunity to sport the latest fashions and show off your own personal sense of style.

But probably the best thing, is the chance to visit with loved ones that you rarely see or have an opportunity to otherwise spend time with.

Lets do it again real soon!

Saturday, August 1, 2009

In God's Outdoor Cathedral

I cant help but everytime I spend time in a kayak or canoe, looking at creation, thinking about how God had created this cathedral for Himself and for our enjoyment.

This section of the Hiwassee River is protected under the Wild and Scenic Rivers act. As you can see, it is scenic, and is a marvelous display of God's handiwork.

I just happened to catch a moment when the inflatable isnt under mere Scooterpower.

Frances shows her moves.

Angelia and Rebecca follow my trail down the shallow rapids. The hard part is picking a good line, and not getting stuck.

There is always the prep work

Preparation seems to take a long time, especially considering how long you are actually on the water. But, it is worth it.

Here, the Friday group prepares for launching the kayaks.

More Floaters

Floaters #1
